Gang Niu (Senior Research Scientist at RIKEN)


[ Membership, Honors and Awards, Research Grants ]


  • IEEE Senior Member, 2024 to present

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Paper Honorable Mention, International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022

  • RIKEN BAIHO Award (a.k.a. RIKEN Excellent Achievement Award), 2018 (received in 2019)

  • Best Poster Award, First Japan-Israel Machine Learning Workshop, 2018

  • IEICE TC-IBISML Research Award, 2017 (received in 2018)

  • RIKEN Research Incentive Award, 2017 (received in 2018)

  • Best Paper Runner-up Award, Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 2017

  • Best Paper Award, International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013

  • Student Travel Award, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2012

  • Student Travel Award, Neural Information Processing Systems, 2011

  • Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship, October 2010--September 2013

Research Grants

  • RIKEN-MOST Collaborative Research Project (with Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Ministry of Science and Technology of China (FY2021--2023)

  • Japan CORE Project, Microsoft Research Asia (FY2016)